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Bubble Font Happy Birthday Alphabet Silicone Icing Mould
Bubble font Happy Birthday Flexabet professional silicone mould from Marvelous MoldsMarvelous Molds are widely considered as one of the world’s top food grade silicon mould manufacturersBubble Font Happy Birthday is part of the new Flexabet range1 mould strip with both words in an attractive comic book style fontcleverly, each letter is a separate little mould so you can adjust the spacing between them to suit the cakewatch the little You Tube video for tips and ideasdesign area approx 13cm / 130mm / 5¼ x 6cm / 62mm / 2 1/2 mould approx 15cm / 150mm / 6 x 8.5cm / 85mm / 3¼ overallfounded by Chef Dominic Palazzolo – founder of