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Triple Classic Swag Silicone Icing Mould Set

Triple Classic Swags professional silicone icing impression mat from Marvelous Molds / Marvellous MouldsMarvelous Molds are widely considered as one of the world’s top food grade silicon mould manufacturersthe triple swag design gives an easy way to create 3 accurate fabric drapes so much more quickly than the traditional method of rolling, gathering and draping the sugarpastepart of the Swag Collection – creating lovely swags and drape for the side of the caketop quality professional flexible silicone molds with clean, sharp edges to design patternsswag approx 16.5cm x 4cm / 165mm x 40mm / 6½ x 1¼mould overall approx 18cm / 180mm / 7¼ x 5.5cm / 55mm / 2¼founded by Chef Dominic Palazzolo – founder of MYOM silicone plastique –