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Vegan Salted Caramel Icing Frosting – Ready To Use 400g

400g ready to use Salted Caramel icing frosting from Renshawnew vegan recipe!designed as a time-saving standby – this is an excellent quality frosting, ready to use straight from the potsweet and creamy with that delicious hint of saltand not just any salt . . . the world famous Halen Mon sea salt from Anglesey – used by some of the world’s top restaurants like The Fat Duckpart of Renshaw’s new Signature range – no artifical flavourings or colouringsuse for covering, spreading on to and filling cakes – great as a topping for tray bakes, brownies, filling cookies etccan be piped – so ideal for cupcakes toothe same great quality professional bakers use in bulk from Renshaw, now available in smaller